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WFMU is an independent free form radio station broadcasting at 91.1 FM in the New York City area, at 90.1 FM in the Hudson Valley, and with a live Real Audio stream. Press release distribution helps you create buzz, increase online visibility and drive website traffic.
These regulations are not quoted verbatim from state law. They have been simplified for your convenience. In addition, be aware that issued emergency orders may. Mindspark Interactive. Help Uninstall EULA Privacy. James Comey Told Congress He Didn't Make a Decision on Hillary Clinton Until After all Interviews, Despite Having Drawn Up Draft Exoneration Statement Months and. Bringing you top training courses on stock investing, trading, business and student enrichment. Scotland Build 2017. THE LEADING CONSTRUCTION EXPO FOR SCOTLAND. November 22nd & 23rd Glasgow - SEC Glasgow.
Ace of Spades HQ. September 0. 5, 2. Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (9/5/1.
A Little Of This. A Little Of That Edition—Misanthropic Humanitarian(Good old flyover country)Quotes of The Day. Quote IGood judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.
Will Rogers. Quote IIMen are run ragged by female sexuality all their lives. From the beginning of his life to the end, no man ever fully commands any woman. It's an illusion. Men are pussy- whipped. And they know it. That's what the strip clubs are about; not woman as victim, not woman as slave, but woman as goddess. Camille Paglia. Quote IIIThese things will destroy the human race: politics without principle, progress without compassion, wealth without work, learning without silence, religion without fearlessness and worship without awareness.
Anthony de Mello Continue reading*****Wanted Dear or Alive. The search for the Nazi Angel of Death, Joseph Memgele. One of the documents, viewed by The Jerusalem Post's Hebrew language sister publication Maariv, contains the conclusion of a secret cabinet meeting called by then- prime minister Menachem Begin in 1. If they cannot be brought to trial - kill them. The La. Tuna Fire has led to the evacuation of hundreds of homes and the closure of a major freeway and many roads.
My family and I moved from Chicago to the Los Angeles area a little over a little year ago. We were almost immediately introduced to the awesome power of wildfires when the Sand Fire burned over 5. While not yet the size of the Sand Fire, the La. Tuna Fire is still the largest in the Los Angeles city history. The fire has prompted the evacuation of hundreds of homes and closed many roads including the heavily travelled I- 2.
The Greater Chicago Region. Not content to be in the news for shootings and murders now have infected coyotes to worry about. Hanover Police are warning residents of the Chicago- area suburb that the mangy dogs they've been seeing roaming around are in fact ! It appears that Nintendo's legal staff didn't research patents thoroughly. Nintendo found guilty of patent infringement.
And it isn't going to be cheap. A jury has ruled that Nintendo must pay $1.
Wii and Wii U systems infringe a patent belonging to a Dallas medical motion- detection company. Life sued Nintendo (PDF) in 2. The case went to a jury trial in Dallas, and yesterday the jury returned its verdict (PDF). They found that Nintendo infringed US Patent No. Thank God for Oliver Stumpfel. Who is Oliver Stumpfel you ask?
Why he is a new record setter. Sept. 4 (UPI) - - A German man broke the record for highest number of beer mugs carried over a distance of 4. Sunday. Oliver Str. Spider eggs. Yuck!! A mum has told how she nearly fed a banana riddled with Brazilian wandering spider eggs to her baby.
Debbie Campbell says she spotted a clump of white eggs on the fruit she was about to give to 1. Albie.*****In . The raid happened on 1. February 1. 94. 4, and though it wasn’t a large- scale operation, its precision and accuracy meant that it contributed greatly to the war effort and helped to raise the morale of the French, living under Nazi occupation.*****Just remember, The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence.
If you are employed where conservatives aren't persecuted, consider yourself blessed. The government looking out for your well being. U. S. Virgin Islands Gov. Kenneth Mapp signed an emergency order allowing the seizure of private guns, ammunition, explosives and property the National Guard may need to respond to Hurricane Irma. Mapp signed the order Monday in preparation for Hurricane Irma.
The order allows the Adjutant General of the Virgin Islands to seize private property they believe necessary to protect the islands, subject to approval by the territory’s Justice Department. The ONT doesn't know all the ins and outs of gun laws in the V. I. But, this sure seems to be a reach. Self- defense is self- defense, storm or no storm. Perhaps if he hadn't acted unconstitutionally he could have passed a law the correct way.
Former President Barack Obama ripped the Trump administration's announcement to cancel his DACA executive action on Tuesday, writing in a Facebook post that it was . It shielded 8. 00,0. U. S. 1. 98. 0 US No. Crazy Little Thing Called Love'). Solo, (1. 98. 7 UK No.
The Great Pretender'). Order Okja (2017) Movie. Mercury died of bronchio- pneumonia on November 2. HIV positive. The research, which was carried out by Professor Adrian North of Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh in the UK suggested classical music fans were shy, while heavy metal fans were gentle and at ease with themselves. Fans of Indie music had low self- esteem and were not hard working, fans of Rap music had high self- esteem and were outgoing.
Country & Western fans were hardworking and outgoing, Reggae fans were creative but not hardworking, and fans of chart pop had high self- esteem, were not creative, but where hardworking and outgoing. Wonder what Zappa fans are?*****CNN grasping for relevance.*****The ACLU 1 - Los Angeles PD & Sheriff's Dept. CA Supreme Court rules that automatic plate reader records have to be turned over. Both entities tried to keep these records from the EFF and ACLU by claiming every single one of the millions of plate records were . This apparently included the millions of .
With the plate readers collecting 1. ALPR was under investigation. That's not how the state's Supreme Court sees it . The public records law cannot be stretched to cover indiscriminate mass surveillance. Accordingly, we hold that real parties’ process of ALPR scanning does not produce records of investigations, because the scans are not conducted as part of a targeted inquiry into any particular crime or crimes. The scans are conducted with an expectation that the vast majority of the data collected will prove irrelevant for law enforcement purposes. We recognize that it may not always be an easy task to identify the line between traditional “investigation” and the sort of “bulk” collection at issue here.
But wherever the line may ultimately fall, it is at least clear that real parties’ ALPR process falls on the bulk collection side of it.*****Lovable Senator John Mc. Cain. . The stuff is shit in gasoline. But fighting cancer? It may be a low cost treatment. Researchers from Duke University have achieved a 1. The work, published in Nature Scientific Reports, was inspired by an existing low- cost therapy called ethanol ablation, and improves the method to work on a wider variety of tumors. Ethanol — the kind of alcohol that makes cocktails interesting — can kill some kinds of tumors when injected because it destroys proteins and fatally dehydrates cells, in a process called ethanol ablation.
Ethanol ablation is already used to treat one variety of liver cancer, with a cost of less than $5 per treatment and a success rate similar to that of surgery. So a Tar Heel wouldn't want to appropriate that culture? Why you don't go into a subway while there is flooding taking place.*****Caught on the golf course. Wonder if he shot a 6. Genius Award Winner.*****Why was the dog able to reach your hearing aids in the first place? Tonight's Feel Good Story of The Day.*****Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Horse Fly Masks.
Notice: Posted with Permission by Ace. Corp, LLC. Home of the low- cost deductible and premium content.
Close it up. Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 1. PMComments. Woman Attempts to Rescue First Date from Embarrassment of Non- Flushing Toilet..
By Flinging Poo Out of the Window—Ace. There is a positive side to this story - - she explained what she'd done in her poo- panic to her date, who seems to be taking it in stride. You've got to read this. She returned with a panicked look in her eye, and told me she had something to tell me. I don't know why I did this, but I panicked.
It was into this twilight zone that my date had thrown her poo. So the poo was caught between the first pane and the second. At this point, it gets weird.