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FBI Arrest Chinese National Linked to OPM Data Breach Malware. A 3. 6- year- old Chinese national was arrested in Los Angeles this week in connection with a computer hacking conspiracy involving malware linked to the 2. US Office of Personnel Management (OPM) data breach. Yu Pingan of Shanghai, China, was arrested on Wednesday while traveling at Los Angeles International Airport. Also identified by the hacker pseudonym “Gold. Sun,” Yu has been charged under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and is further accused of conspiracy to commit offense or defraud the United States. According to an August 2.

US District Court for the Southern District of California, Yu collaborated with others, including two unnamed individuals who have not been charged, to acquire and use malware to facilitate cyberattacks against at least four unnamed US companies. The FBI has identified Yu’s co- conspirators as living in the People’s Republic of China. At this stage, the names of the companies (i.

But that’s not the point. We had a completely non-controversial event that captivated the internet like the eclipse since, I dunno, 2015. Telecommuting is pretty easy now. Skype, Slack, and good ol’ Gchat—excuse me, Google Hangouts—make communicating with your colleagues down the hall or around. Torrentz will always love you.

The indictment is accompanied by an affidavit signed by an FBI agent assigned to a cybercrime squad at the bureau’s San Diego Field Office. A spokesperson for the bureau could not be immediately reached for a comment. The FBI has accused Yu of discussing the installation of a remote access trojan, or RAT, at an unidentified company as early as in June 2.

A year later, one his conspirator allegedly installed malicious files on the network of a San Diego- based company. The same company was allegedly attacked again on or before December 3, 2. In January 2. 01. Yu’s co- conspirators allegedly used a variant of the malware Sakula in an attack on a second company based in Massachusetts.

Divx Movies Download Rec 4 Poster (2015)

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Divx Movies Download Rec 4 Poster (2015)

Multiple security firms have tied Sakulato the OPM attack—a massive data breach that involved the records of millions of US citizens who had undergone government security clearance checks. According to Washington Post sources, China’s involvement was suspected by US authorities, though the Obama administration never official ascribed blame. Chinese authorities have repeatedly denied any involvement in the OPM attack.

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Independent investigators concluded with medium confidence earlier this year that the Anthem attack was likely carried out on behalf of a foreign government. Neither Anthem nor OPM is cited in connection with Yu’s arrest and Anthem does not appear to be based in any of the cities mentioned in the indictment. Yu was allegedly linked to use of the then- rare Sakula malware through emails obtained by the FBI. Yu’s co- conspirators are said to have breached a third company based in Los Angeles, however, in December 2. The attackers allegedly took advantage of a then- unknown vulnerability—or “zero day”—in Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, which allowed for remote code execution and injection of Sakula. Sakula is also a known tool of China- based advanced persistent threat nicknamed Deep Panda, or APT 1. OPM and Anthem attacks.

The two unnamed and unindicted co- conspirators also allegedly attacked a fourth company based in Arizona. The FBI agent’s affidavit states that Yu provided one of the co- conspirators the malicious software as early as April 2. The communications allegedly show that Yu also informed the second co- conspirator of an exploit for Adobe’s Flash software.

What’s more, FBI- seized communications show that in November 2. Yu indicated that he had “compromised the legitimate Korean Microsoft domain used to download software updates for Microsoft products,” and further stated, allegedly, that the hacked site could be used to launch phishing attacks. According to CNN, Yu was arrested after entering the US on Wednesday to attend a conference. This story is developing and will be updated as more information becomes available.

Ode to the Graphing Calculator. The ridiculously expensive Texas Instruments graphing calculator is slowly but surely getting phased out.

The times they are a- changin’ for the better, but I’m feeling nostalgic. I have some wonderful memories associated with my TIs.

You probably have an expensive Texas Instruments graphing calculator packed away somewhere. In fact, I still have two.

For years, TI graphing calculators have been on the school supply list of almost every student that even sets foot in an upper- level math class. They are the only calculators allowed on major standardized tests, including the SAT, ACT, AP, and IB exams.

When I was in school, everybody had one. And if you haven’t poked your head into a high school for a while, that’s still the case—and they haven’t gotten any cheaper. Free Downloads The Prophet (2015) there. My first graphing calculator, a TI- 8.

Plus, which was the standard at the time, cost my parents $1. They’re still just as expensive, even though your watch probably has more computing power now. They can cost upwards of $2. No longer will less fortunate families be forced to shell out major moola for a plastic brick that spends most of its time taking up space in students’ backpacks. But recently, several school districts around the country dealt a worthy blow to the stranglehold Texas Instruments has long held on students and their families’ wallets.

The calculator app Desmos, which you can install on your i. OS or Android device for free, was cleared for use on some standardized testing in 1. U. S. It’s also available in your browser. TI still remains top dog on 6. Texas Instruments president of education technology Peter Balyta, but its days appear numbered. This is a welcome thing for just about everyone.

If this trend continues, no longer will Texas Instruments have a calculator monopoly, and no longer will less- fortunate families be forced to shell out major moola for a plastic brick that spends most of its time taking up space in students’ backpacks. Math will hopefully be more accessible to all. It’s truly for the better.

Partly because I’m getting older and losing touch with the youth of today, but also partly because I loved my calculators and future kids won’t get the same experience I did. During my math journey from algebra to high- level college calculus, my graphing calculators became extensions of my brain. But that’s not where my love for the machines came from.

No, it was the games and other “apps” that sealed my bond with my TIs. You see, in high school, my friends and I ran an underground ring of calculator game sharing.

The process was simple. With a special cable you could install games you found within the darkest depths of the internet onto your device. Then, with the same cable, you could transfer the game data over to a different calculator. Oh, the hours I spent playing Snake, trying to beat my friends’ high scores.

How I longed to beat Phoenix, a bullet- hell shooter that I still can’t believe was written in TI- Basic. From text- based adventures to a near- perfectly- recreated version of Bubble Bobble, my TI was my favorite gaming device. Anybody could play them in class and the teachers would be none the wiser. Now, I know kids can play games on their phones easily enough, but smartphones are the bane of teachers’ existence right now, and having those out in the open raise a lot more suspicions than an innocent calculator. My math teachers had no idea that the only numbers I was concerned with were my high scores.

Some games, like ancient stories retold by orators through the years, were merely passed down from generation to generation. Nobody knew where most of the games originated, but everybody had them. Every week it seemed like there was a new game to acquire, and kids with the hottest collections of TI games—like me—had people lining up in the hallway.

Like a shady back alley deal, kids would approach me at lunch and ask if I had anything new. No, today I’m pouring one out for my TIs. Your reign will soon be over, my friends, but I’ll never forget you. Ant Boy 2 (2015) Video Download more.